Monday 23 February 2009

final filming day... Thriller))

we started by filming the final scene of the opening...which was the bus stop scene. This scene was left to last because of the weather. We first filmed the bus stop from different angles. We then filmed the main charecter at the bus stop from different angles in order to include match cut when editing. we also made sure that we included close ups of the different bus stop signs in order to use them whilst editing. After finally completing the bus stop scene, we then went back to the alley way in order to complete some missing shots involving the stalker. We were able to find a boy who was willing to help act as the stalker as there is only girls in our group. we used alot of over the shoulder and point of view shots in order to keep the stalkers identity discreet. We also filmed the lift clip. We had to film this many times in order to get the outcome we were trying to achieve. We include handheld aswel as using the tripod to film the lift from the inside aswel as the outside. at the end we then viewed our footage to ensure that we did not forget to film any relevant footage, this was done in order to avoid delay when editing.