Monday 15 December 2008

practice filming sesion

we were given a task to help us practice filming for our thriller coursework. we were asked to film someone reading a newspaper in a thrilling way using 12 different shots. we were asked to include a POV shot and an over the shoulder shot. i was put into a group of 3. We first prepared a storyboard in order to plan the different shots . In the next lesson with Dan we began to film, we used the common room and turn the lights out to make it more thrilling. we included a shot from outside the door as well as a point of view shot. We also included the over the shoulder shot that was asked of us and we had to shoot the same scene many times in order to get the shot we were aiming for.

In the next lesson with Andrew we were asked to start editing the footage that we had captured. We cut the shots up into small parts and than rearranged them to make sense, we also had to cut and edit some of the shot as we were able to because we applied the 5 second time gap to our footage.

I was quite happy with the camera work, we got a really good point of view shot and some other good shots. it was particularly hard when using the handheld technique and we had to be really careful.

The editing when really well, we used the new techniques that we learned from the tutorial session with mickey and applied it to our work. It helped improve our footage and helped our footage to make some type of sense as there was not much acting so we rely on the camera work and editing to tell the story.

We also learned that it is very hard to find good area for shooting (mise en scene). This was the mise en scene also plays a big part in telling the story. But at the end i think we did manage to create some sort of suspense. We did this by using a slow zoom then sudden close up of the newsreader then we ended the film by using a black screen.

I think we did manage to use conventions from a real thriller film, i think this was done by using similar mise en scene like the dark isolated room and the use of camera shots for example the point of view shot.

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