Tuesday 3 March 2009

Update: Editing contd.

After we had the structure, it became easier to start forming all of the extra details. We began to insert the attacks (premenitions) into the charecters walk down the alleyway. After we inserted the attacks we used solarization to add effect and also to let the viewer know that the attack is at a different time (or not actually happening?) . We made the clips very short in order to build tension. We made it a sequence (had various attack clips), then at the end when the girl made it to the end of the alleyway she began to make her way on to the lift, we did this in slow motion in order to add effect and create suspense and then when she finally makes it onto the lift....... We used many match cuts in order to show the different angles but we still tryed our best to make them look smooth. We all had to come in at different times depending on how convienient it was for us. then in the end we all contributed to the editing in order to ensure that no one was left out.

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