Thursday 29 January 2009

Second Filming session

In this session we got alot more done, this was because we had alot more time to film. We decieded to focus on the alleyway scene for the duration of this session. We started with the preminition shots. This had to be different because this is the part where she gets stalked and attacked. We startded by filming her start her walk down the alleyway, we did this at a certain angle because of the lighting. We first filmed it at a medium shot from the back, this shot helped to capture her looking back in suspicion. After this we went on to film her walking down the alleyway from the front, then over the shoulder {this footage was captured using handheld} . then we used a close up of her face as she is walking to show expression and connote fear. After we completed this part. We started to include the stalker... we filmed a short series of shots of the 'stalker' from an over the shoulder view and also from a POV. we decided that we do not want to include any full shots of the stalker in order to create suspense and build tension. After capturing some footage of the stalker we filmed the attack... this was quite difficult and we had to film it many times in order to get the correct angles and in order to avoid an amateur look. after filming the attack and using various angles, we decided to go back to the class room to view our footage and decide what we need to do for our next filming session and what needs changing.

First thriller filming session

for our first filming session we decided to start with the walk to the alley way. this was because it was the late lesson and the lighting would be ideal for the feeling we were trying to create. {It was turning dark but was not to dark.} We decided Siju was going to be our charecter so she had to change into clothes that would fit the description of a person that has just been at a party. It was a very cold day and she was quite uncomfortable but we made her feel as comfortable as possible. We started by filming her walkin towards the alleyway in many different ways. first a medium shot, we did that a couple of times just in case. we then went on to film the same walk from the back view, side view. We did it from an over the shoulder angle and also got a couple of short close ups of her feet and legs. The time we had to film was quite short so for this session we kept it simple and decided to get all of the walking footage done at the same time.

update: storyboard and pitch....

After our final practice session were given the brief of our project, This was 'Create the opening of a thriller film up to 2 minutes long, including titles' . We were told that before we can go ahead and start filming, that we had to produce the storyboard, then pitch the idea to the class. Me and my group decided that We would leave the title to the end. We came up with this short plot...' a girl is at a bustop, on the way from a party, with her phone in her hand texting her friend. She gets on a bus and shares a couple of lines of dialogue with a 'man'. when she gets off the bus she continues through an alleyway. as she is walking she feels suspicious as she is alone and starts looking around cluelessly. She then has a 'preminition' that she gets attacked.... then realises shes only seeing things.. she then enters an elevator. ' We then storyboarded our our plot, brokedown our camera angles to every shot. After we were completing this task, we had to pitch our ideas in Dan's lesson. We explained the plot, then told the class about the different camera angles we would use.The sound that would be included and the location that we would film in. We decide to play it safe and film in an old council block in angel.. This ensured convienience to all of our group members. After we pitched our ideas, Dan gave us feedback and first was a bit confused with our plot. But after we explained the simplicity of the filming and told him that most of the techniques would be done during the editing, he was ready for us to get started.

updates: match cut lesson...second filming session

we have made alot of progress since the last time we blogged. to start with we had a match cut lesson, which was the base to our second preliminary practice film session. the media technicians showed us a short film which included match cut techniques. We were then told to produce a short clip of a person walking into a room then engaging in short dialogue. we were told to put the match cut techniques that we learned into practice. Our group cosisting of three of us myself, siju and farida; decided to confuse the audience and have short clips of two different charecters walking towards the door.. but only one person entered. we used match cut technique when opening the door, we briefley saw the charecter open the door from the outside, then before the door was fully open we could see the door being opened from the inside. When filming we included alot of different camera angles includin POV, over the shoulder, high angle etc. when we got to the editing suite, We used every different angle to create a different effect. The second filming session really helped us learn new techniques and allowed us to get a better, final preparation for the filming of our thriller.

Monday 19 January 2009