Thursday 29 January 2009

First thriller filming session

for our first filming session we decided to start with the walk to the alley way. this was because it was the late lesson and the lighting would be ideal for the feeling we were trying to create. {It was turning dark but was not to dark.} We decided Siju was going to be our charecter so she had to change into clothes that would fit the description of a person that has just been at a party. It was a very cold day and she was quite uncomfortable but we made her feel as comfortable as possible. We started by filming her walkin towards the alleyway in many different ways. first a medium shot, we did that a couple of times just in case. we then went on to film the same walk from the back view, side view. We did it from an over the shoulder angle and also got a couple of short close ups of her feet and legs. The time we had to film was quite short so for this session we kept it simple and decided to get all of the walking footage done at the same time.

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