Thursday 29 January 2009

Second Filming session

In this session we got alot more done, this was because we had alot more time to film. We decieded to focus on the alleyway scene for the duration of this session. We started with the preminition shots. This had to be different because this is the part where she gets stalked and attacked. We startded by filming her start her walk down the alleyway, we did this at a certain angle because of the lighting. We first filmed it at a medium shot from the back, this shot helped to capture her looking back in suspicion. After this we went on to film her walking down the alleyway from the front, then over the shoulder {this footage was captured using handheld} . then we used a close up of her face as she is walking to show expression and connote fear. After we completed this part. We started to include the stalker... we filmed a short series of shots of the 'stalker' from an over the shoulder view and also from a POV. we decided that we do not want to include any full shots of the stalker in order to create suspense and build tension. After capturing some footage of the stalker we filmed the attack... this was quite difficult and we had to film it many times in order to get the correct angles and in order to avoid an amateur look. after filming the attack and using various angles, we decided to go back to the class room to view our footage and decide what we need to do for our next filming session and what needs changing.

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