Thursday 29 January 2009

updates: match cut lesson...second filming session

we have made alot of progress since the last time we blogged. to start with we had a match cut lesson, which was the base to our second preliminary practice film session. the media technicians showed us a short film which included match cut techniques. We were then told to produce a short clip of a person walking into a room then engaging in short dialogue. we were told to put the match cut techniques that we learned into practice. Our group cosisting of three of us myself, siju and farida; decided to confuse the audience and have short clips of two different charecters walking towards the door.. but only one person entered. we used match cut technique when opening the door, we briefley saw the charecter open the door from the outside, then before the door was fully open we could see the door being opened from the inside. When filming we included alot of different camera angles includin POV, over the shoulder, high angle etc. when we got to the editing suite, We used every different angle to create a different effect. The second filming session really helped us learn new techniques and allowed us to get a better, final preparation for the filming of our thriller.

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