Thursday 29 January 2009

update: storyboard and pitch....

After our final practice session were given the brief of our project, This was 'Create the opening of a thriller film up to 2 minutes long, including titles' . We were told that before we can go ahead and start filming, that we had to produce the storyboard, then pitch the idea to the class. Me and my group decided that We would leave the title to the end. We came up with this short plot...' a girl is at a bustop, on the way from a party, with her phone in her hand texting her friend. She gets on a bus and shares a couple of lines of dialogue with a 'man'. when she gets off the bus she continues through an alleyway. as she is walking she feels suspicious as she is alone and starts looking around cluelessly. She then has a 'preminition' that she gets attacked.... then realises shes only seeing things.. she then enters an elevator. ' We then storyboarded our our plot, brokedown our camera angles to every shot. After we were completing this task, we had to pitch our ideas in Dan's lesson. We explained the plot, then told the class about the different camera angles we would use.The sound that would be included and the location that we would film in. We decide to play it safe and film in an old council block in angel.. This ensured convienience to all of our group members. After we pitched our ideas, Dan gave us feedback and first was a bit confused with our plot. But after we explained the simplicity of the filming and told him that most of the techniques would be done during the editing, he was ready for us to get started.

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